Hello Audiences! Welcome to RTGF. Over the centuries, men have been overriding strange word of God with human opinion and passed as though it is truth. The most recent is rewriting grace as favor. So confirm what you hear or read with true scripture. Ask questions.

We do not only teach the truth by the Holy Spirit prompting we encourage viewers to interrogate our teaching and contact us via WhatsApp Number or email below. This Episode is a review of the previous six Episodes of the ROOT Series; titled; “know the truth and enter by the door before He is shut – Rev. 3:7-8.”My name Dr, Danson Ubebe, teacher and Author.

Out topic for today is: Summary of the basis for godly knowledge of the Holy bible.
Our objective is: To give everyone chance to know the truth about some crucial words essential for sound Christian education.

The word of truth is a source of excitement – remedy for depression. It sets before us in heaven assurances for the hope we have as the anchor of our soul. The hope is the Great High Priest; who is Christ Jesus (Col 1:5). Everyone is given the choice to either believe and abide in Jesus and enter by the narrow gate leading to testing way to life. Or deny Him and enter by the wide gate which leads to Broadway to destruction (Mt. 7:13-14).

Episode 1, examined what scriptural grace truly is. Men label grace as either unmerited favor or other tags. But God Himself revealed grace differently as the fruit produced by the Spirit of Christ (1Pet. 4:14), and as the intercession of Jesus for man (Rom. 8:34). Grace is one instrument of reign of Jesus. It can only be given by God. So grace is unlike favor which both God and man can give (Lk. 2:52).

Though the objective of the cross of Jesus is salvation, the object of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is the gift of grace to man (Gal. 6:14). By grace through faith all men were once saved as one body (Eph. 2:8-9). But each person is to choose to believe in Jesus to be saved or reject Him and be unsaved forever. A wrong reading of grace leads to wrong knowledge of gospel of Jesus – Gal. 1:7. Insert

Episode 2, highlights three Pillars of Christianity (Mt. 16:16-19) – the rock on which Jesus promised to build His church, the truth God Himself revealed is the rock, and the church Jesus founded on the rock. So, the truth is the basis of the church of Christ which is His body (1Cor. 12:26-27). Thus, a believer or church is an incarnation of truth.

As Jesus is the Rock (1Cor. 10:4) and Rock is a combination of units of rock, so also the body or church of Christ is the union of persons of truth. In this context Jesus told Pilate: “Quote”; “…and for this cause, I have come into the World, “that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My word (John 18:37)”;

“Unquote”. So, Jesus as the truth is the foundation of His church. Moreover the truth is the objective of the church of Christ, and His church is known by personal morals not structure. Only truth guarantees eternal life. It is the will of God for those who believe in Christ (John 6:38-40).

The truth is the power of God for man to continue in the doctrine and fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42). Thus, the pillars dovetail to the Lord’s Supper. For the constant reminder of the objective of shedding of the blood of Jesus on the cross oft Calvary; the salvation of our soul. 

Episode 3 reveals why we are here. It touched briefly on timeless creation. Then foundation of the world of time. From one chaotic earth of darkness caused by fallen Satan God made two earth in different realms of life. Celestial and terrestrial. As required by God, the sea and earth brought forth to both earth at once the host He made in them.

He made man in His image and likeness in His Word (Gen. 1:27); the arrowhead in whom dwelled mankind. Episode explained what God mean by He created man; male and female He made them. On celestial earth He planted the Garden of Eden for him to serve (Gen. 2:8). It explained events, including origin of blood in man, in Eden till God drove him into the realm of terrestrial earth of darkness for his sin. It was the beginning of time-based life.

God called firmament dividing the two-earth heaven. In it, God made the sun, moon and stars. They rule over human day and night in turn, provide essential light (Gen. 1:14-18) and moon create seasons (Ps. 104:19). Gave brief outline of the incarnation of God in the flesh. (Continue in insert).

Episode 4 is about the journey of life. It gives at a glance where man is from, he is, and is going – life or death (Deut. 30:19). The lifestyle on earth is the determinant factor of choice of destination. It laid down necessary kind of life which leads to life and that which leads to death. To end up in life requires you to live by faith in God and match it with corresponding work in the flesh

– “Quote”; “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans, and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27)” – this is one instant men have override word of God with own opinion of: “Christianity is a relationship”.

Things of the flesh will perish on earth (Mt. 6:19-21). Focus your gospel only on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 6:14), and Him crucified (1Cor. 2:2). Until man is made perfect or given glorious body he will remain born again only by grace through faith and not bodily. This faith is of the substance of things hoped for (1Cor. 6:14).

The substance is Christ-like stature whose body will never die. But earthly body will surely die. This is the doubt against man claiming born again with earthly body. According to scripture God forgave man only past sins (Rom. 3:25). Not present and future sins. Scripture further fueled this by warning all, including believers to flee evil (Gal. 5:19-21).

After mortal death the saved spirit will go to Paradise from where he will go for judgment by Christ and given award. With his name in the Book of life he will move on to the kingdom of God (Rev. 21:2-4).

The unsaved will go via Hell to “White Throne Judgment” and end up in Lake of fire (Rev. 2o:14-15). Be wise. For details read the blog and view the video at:

Episode 5 unveiled Jesus as the living tabernacle. On earth He was and in heaven where He is seated on the right hand of God before His Throne (Rev. 21:3-4). Before Jesus was born, God declared to Himself with an oath what He would personally do (Is. 45:23), and more. First Jesus came as the Word of God and as God (John 1:1).

Next, He presented as the Seed of a woman according to promise (Gen. 3:15). Later born as a child in the flesh according to prophesy (Is. 9:6). Then trio God came down to dwell in Him (Mt. 3:16). So, Jesus became a living tabernacle and the double of the trio God (Col. 1:15).

How? – This is hard talk, reflect on it – {i. The Word materialized, ii. Trio God who is unchanging lodged Himself in Him (Mt. 3:16-17), iii. He created soul in like manner (Gen. 1:26-27)}. Thus, God dwelled bodily in Him (Col. 2:9). So, He fulfilled the oath He made.

After Jesus ministry He suffered, crucified and buried and resurrected together with humanity (Rom. 6:3-11). God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (1Cor. 5:19-21). Humanity was born again by the word of God. Thus, as He is so we, in this world (1John 4:17). So, we are to seek only those things which are in heaven (Col. 3:1).

And daily equip the saints with biblical knowledge of the gifts He gave to some men before He ascended (Eph. 4:11-14). Jesus now intercedes for us by means of grace (Rom. 8:34). – Refer Insert for highlights.

Episode 6 examines born again. Jesus was crucified for our justification and by it God forgave man past sins (Rom. 3:25). Clearly not present and future sins. He was raised for our sanctificationwhich is sustained by imitating Jesus and enduring to the end (Heb. 6:12).

Certainly, man has been born again with glorious body through the word of God in Christ (1Pet. 1:23-25). But the man is humanity {i. An arrowhead, a reversal of Adam stature in the beginning (Reference. Episode 3), ii. It is in him all men will gather in Him (Eph. 1:10); as living stone are being built up a spiritual house; a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1Pet. 2:5)}.

Individual with body of flesh is born again by grace through faith in God (Eph. 2:8-9); not with body of flesh. So it is still substance of things hoped for (Eph. 4:13). Born again Jesus is the testimony and the empty tomb too. He showed difference between body of flesh and of glory by ability to dissolve pass barriers, appear and disappear (John 20:19).

Is not done with earthly body. Currently the inner man is being renewed (2Cor. 4:16). Does this suggest the spirit man who is the soul has been born again now? The answer is no. So fleshly man cannot be the righteousness of God as it is yet by faith as he races to be the perfect man in Christ (2Cor. 5:21).

To be the righteousness of God follows a process which must be completed first. – Believe to be saved (Acts 16:31). Next be delivered from the power of darkness and conveyed into the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13) for washing with the word of God and regeneration of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:15), and etc. So to be the righteousness of God is not by fiat.

Visit to view full video and read the blog.
References taken from New King James Version (NKJV) of Holy Bible. All rights Reserved.

Expectation: God willing, next Episode will be: “Focus on kingdom of God.” Won’t you like to sponsor and share Return to God Forum videos? We are willing to rob minds about the Episodes if you are too.

The CD & DVD of the Episodes are available via Thank you for your time. God bless you. Till next Episode it’s goodbye from Dr. Danson Ubebe; Teacher and Author.
TO VIDEO TEAM: Show these books plus the links:

by KDP, August 2019.
2. “WHY ARE WE HERE?” Published by Advantage Books, June 2020.

The books contain thorough knowledge of grace, born-again, where Garden of Eden is, origin of Celestial and Terrestrial bodies, man is spirit because of his origin and not because of his spirit component, tithing, what God means by He created man; male & female (Gen. 1:27), etc.
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