April 30, 2022

ANSWER TO WHAT IS TRUTH?, THE WAY?, ETC.   SUMMARY. Parable of the wise builder (Mt. 7:24-27). The rock Jesus tucked in it is code for finding the way, the truth, and the life He is (John 14:6), and more. Now Christ is the Rock, a mass of rocks and is eternal (1Cor. 10:4) – insert….

April 30, 2022

You are welcome to Return to God Forum. I am Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. This is Ep. 16 of our teaching series. It is a sixth of a sub-series; “Called to the kingdom of God”. Our topic today is Sleep and the way. Objective: To showman was not created to sleep and how…

April 30, 2022

Hello, Audiences! Welcome to Return to God Forum. I am Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. This is Episode 15 of our teaching series. It is the fifth of; “Called to the kingdom of God” sub-series. Every topic and subtopic we discuss is confirmed by a declaration from at least two scriptures. It is…

April 30, 2022

Hello, Audiences! Welcome to Return to God Forum. I am Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. This is Episode 14. It is the fourth of the series; “Called to the kingdom of God.” It is written God hates lying tongue (Ps. 120:2). An example is to interpret scripture by substitution of the opinion of…

April 30, 2022

Hello Audiences! Welcome to Return to God Forum. I am Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. This is Episode 14. It is the fourth of the series; “Called to the kingdom of God.” It is written God hates lying tongue (Ps. 120:2). An example is to interpret scripture by substitution of opinion of man…

April 30, 2022

Hello Audiences! Welcome to Return to God Forum. I am Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. This is Episode 13; the third of the series; “Called to the kingdom of God.” Our task is to equip you with knowledge of the word of God (Eph. 4:12-14). More so as lack of knowledge destroys the…

April 30, 2022

Hello, Audiences! My name is Dr. Danson Ubebe – Teacher and Author. Welcome to Return to God Forum. We are glad to present the step-by-step transformation to born-again. Our goal is for you to know the truth. Only the truth you know, shall make you free (John 8:32). So, we teach word-for-word witness of scripture….

April 30, 2022

Hello, Audiences! Welcome to Return to God Forum. Our goal is for you to know the truth. Our messages are exact witnesses of scripture. If they fall on deaf ears, you have nobody else to blame. This is Episode 11. It is the beginning of a new Series, titled; “Called to the kingdom of God.” We…