Dr Danson E. Ubebe


Dr Danson E. Ubebe founded Return To God Forum. He’s an author of Christian books. He received the blessing of the Holy One and anointing of the Holy Spirit to receive revelation knowledge of deep things of scripture.
From 2005 he began to write, print and donate his books to individuals, schools and libraries within his reach in Nigeria. He started publishing books in 2013 and donating them as before until 2019 when he published: Doomed Christianity and Unshakable Lifeline. The title is informed by prevailing unsound gospel in Christendom. Moreover biblical words are being misrepresented. For example, describing grace as an unmerited favor and fornication as pre-marital sex alone. This misreading has prompted him to put the book online on Amazon to let all who believe to know the truth.

Dr Danson E. Ubebe worked for 33 years in Shell Nigeria before retirement in 2004. He has children and lives in Port-Harcourt and will be 75 years by May 2020.

I enjoyed reading the book and found it to be very in depth with regards to scripture application and teachings. I truly appreciate the book because personally the book has help me to understand what is happening in today’s churches, especially the western churches. Your title is powerful and speaks of Doomed Christianity, a truth that really needs to be told. Your book sheds light on the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and we feel it was Spirit led.

Blessing Smitty - Believer